Tuesday, March 15, 2011

spring break woo?!

it's spring break! yes!....no

nope. while my friends are in Ireland, the Bahamas, or just home, i'm sitting here in east bumblefuck doing nothing.  

no i lied, im dog sitting. for a the worlds gasiest dog ever. ever. but hes cute, and hes company i guess.  also helps that his owner is hot as shit. he has a girlfriend, naturally, but shes like 8 states away.

do i have stuff i should be doing? yes. am i doing it? no. instead i'm making online dating profiles. because not only am i not getting a golden tan and daiquiris hand delivered to me by Jose, i'm also painfully single. 'but how?! you're so gorgeous in your profile picture!'  i know, i know shocking but true.

when people ask i blame the 64% to 36% female to male ratio at my southern baptist school; but is that the truth? maybe, maybe not. 

and hey maybe this online thing won't be so bad. i mean 'hey sexy thing' 'your a hoty' 'bewtiful smile' are all compliments, just because they are misspelled and delivered by 32-45 year old divorced men who may or may not have all their teeth does not make them any less deserving, or does it?

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